About the Community Gardens

The Stewartville Community Gardens are made possible through a partnership with Olmsted County and the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP). The gardening program is designed to help people learn about the value of proper nutrition by growing vegetables.


Corner of 20th St NW and Roch Medical Drive
Click here for directions.

Community Gardens Application


Community Garden Rules and Regulations

1) Use and Path Maintenance

  • a) Stewartville Community Garden is open to the public, for an annual fee, from May
    15th to October 20th and is subject to the following rules. Planting dates will depend upon the weather!
  • b) Each garden plot is approximately 20×20. The annual dues for each plot, are $20 for (1) plot. Please let us know if you are unable to pay this amount.
  • c) Maintaining your garden is your responsibility.
  • d) During the garden season (May – October), everyone must maintain their plot(s) and at the end of the growing season, all remaining plant material must be removed and properly disposed of by October 20th .
  • e) When you no longer want your plot, you must notify City Hall @ 533-4745. You cannot give your plot to others.
  • f) If plots are untended we will contact you.
  • g) Gardeners are responsible for all tilling, soil amendments, cultivating, weeding, fertilizing, and watering, etc. beyond the initial tilling/fertilizing which will be done by the City. We ask that you don’t use black mesh or plastic.
  • h) Garden plots are used for growing vegetables and flowers for the gardener‘s own use or for donation to charitable organizations. Growing shrubs and trees is prohibited. Growing perennial plants is discouraged.
  • i) All perennial plant material, semi-permanent structures, wire cages, etc. must be removed when at the conclusion of the growing season. Individual gardeners are responsible for clearing the plots and returning them to their original weed-free condition. Any abandoned plant material will either be composted or removed.
  • j) Gardeners should place any unwanted plant materials in the designated compost areas. Do not pile weeds and rocks in the pathways. Place bagged, non-plant materials (plastic, wire, trash) in or near a garbage can off-site or taken home, not in the compost bin. The City will furnish a trash container on site.
  • k) Since plots are close together, gardeners should endeavor to keep their borders free from weeds or other materials that may impact the enjoyment of neighboring plots.
  • l) Tall plants (such as corn, sunflowers, or tall trellised plants) that cast extensive shade should be planted where they will not impact adjoining gardens. You must contact adjacent gardeners before building any structure in your plot. Trees and permanent structures are not allowed in plots.
  • m) Because of the risk of wind drift to adjacent plots, herbicide sprays, including weed killer spray is not allowed. Any damage caused by the use of such products may be interpreted as vandalism and prosecuted. The offender will also be responsible for replacing damage plants or reimbursing the owner for the cost of the damage.

2) Garden in an Eco-Friendly Way

  • a) Although the gardens are not specified as “organic gardens”, we encourage gardeners to consider alternatives to the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and weed-killers.
  • b) Gardeners are strongly encouraged to cover their plot(s) with straw or mulch as an excellent method of weed control and water conservation.

3) Miscellaneous

  • a) Dogs and other pets are not allowed in the garden at any time. They must be leashed and closely supervised near the garden area. You are responsible for cleaning up after your pet.
  • b) The use of tobacco products in the garden is prohibited.
  • c) There is no drinking allowed in the gardens at any time.
  • d) Use common courtesy and resolve differences in a neighborly way. For problems with fellow gardeners, stay polite and listen carefully; usually solutions are easily reached. Verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated. Contact City Hall for more serious difficulties.
  • e) Plants of an invasive nature (such as bamboo or English ivy) are not allowed in the ground; they are only allowed in pots or wooden boxes. Plants on the State‘s Noxious Weed List are not allowed anywhere in the garden and must be pulled if identified.
  • f) Containers of standing water should be avoided, because they can be breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  • g) When not in use, tools, hoses, and other equipment cannot be left in the pathways.
  • h) Loud radios are prohibited.
  • i) Tires are not allowed. Wood frame raised beds are allowed but must be removed at the end of the season.
  • j) Closely supervise your children; help them learn respect for gardening and boundaries. Children using tools in the garden must be under direct and constant supervision of a parent or responsible adult. “Direct” means to be within talking distance.
  • k) Removal of vegetables, flowers, or garden equipment without the owner‘s consent, or the intentional damage to a garden plot is subject to prosecution. A member witnessing or experiencing garden theft or vandalism should notify a deputy by calling 328-6800 to file a report. Due to the open nature of parks and garden sites, SCG and the City of Stewartville are not responsible for loss of garden products.
  • l) Any gardener found to be in violation of the community garden rules will be asked to leave the garden.
  • m) All members of the SCG are expected to take part in the fall clean-up.
  • n) All gardeners are expected to volunteer towards the upkeep of the community garden outside of their designated plot boundary.