Eligibility to Vote
You are eligible to vote in Minnesota if you are:
- At least 18 years or older
- A citizen of the United States
- A resident of Minnesota for at least 20 days before Election Day
- Have the right to vote because, if you have been convicted of a felony, your felony sentence has expired (been completed) or you have discharged from your sentence
- Are not under a guardianship in which the court order revokes the right to vote
- Are not legally incompetent
Registering to Vote
Reference webpage https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/
To register to vote, you must fill out a voter registration card. When filling out the card, you must sign and date the oath printed at the bottom. By signing the card, you are swearing that you are eligible to register to vote. The card can be submitted at any time except during the 20 days immediately preceding any election.
If you are not able to register prior to the cutoff dates, you can register on election day at your polling place. Any voter who sends in a voter registration card which is received after the above pre-registration cutoff dates will be sent a “Notice of Ineffective/Late Registration” letter. The “Notice of Ineffective/Late Registration” letter can be used as proof of residency when registering to vote on Election Day at the polling location.
Availability of Voter Registration Cards
Voter registration cards are available at City Hall and the Public Library.
You may print a voter registration card (PDF) on your personal computer printer and mailing it to Olmsted County Voter Registration, 151 4th St SE, Rochester, MN 55904
You can also register to vote when applying for or renewing your drivers license. The information will be forwarded to our office.
Re-registering to Vote if You have Changed your Name or Address
Any previously registered voter who changes his or her name or address must re-register to vote. A change of name or address requires a new registration and a new signature from the applicant.
Canceled Registrations
A voter registration is canceled for the following reasons:
- The voter has been convicted of a felony without having his or her civil rights restored
- The voter is not under guardianship in which the court order revokes the right to vote.
- The voter has been found by a court to be legally incompetent to vote
- The voter is not a citizen of the United States
- The voter has not voted for more than four years
Election Day Registration Information
In Minnesota you may register to vote on Election Day. You will need to bring one of the following proofs of residence to register at the polling place:
- Minnesota driver’s license, learner’s permit, identification card, or receipt for one, with your current address
- Tribal ID**
- If the Minnesota license, Tribal ID or MN State ID has a former address, you may bring a recent utility bill* to use with your license
- “Notice of Late Registration” postcard
- U.S. passport with utility bill*
- U.S. military photo ID card with utility bill*
- Prior registration listed on roster at former address in precinct
- Oath of a registered voter in precinct (“vouching”)
- If you are a student, you can use…
- Student ID, registration, or fee statement with your current address
- Post Secondary Student photo ID with utility bill*
- Post Secondary Student ID if you are on a student housing list on file at the polling place
- For those who live in a residential facility. including nursing homes, battered women’s shelters, homeless shelters and other licensed facilities, an employee who will vouch that you live there (if the facility has provided the county with a certified list of employees)
*Note: The utility bill must have your name, current address, and be due within 30 days of the election. Utility bills may be for electric, gas, water, solid waste, sewer, telephone, cell phone or cable TV